Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Minimum core - Bringing it all together.

So how do we bring all this together and ensure we a truly embedding the minimum core.

Gravells ( : 

All teachers should have a knowledge and understanding of literacy, language, numeracy and information and communication technology (ICT) skills. These are known as the minimum core and are integrated throughout the teaching qualifications.

A number of learners have been witness to inadequate or poorly defined delivery of key skills previous and what is now deemed as minimum core. 

There is increasing demand from the government and the wider community and Job sector that these skills now form part of a basic standard.

This was also discussed in the article : Addressing literacy, language, numeracy and ICT needs in education and training: understanding and personal skills. A guide for initial teacher education programmes (2007 updated 2013).

We should as teachers/lecturers be promoting the use of these skills to aid both progression and a greater fundamental application of core skills across the learners programmed learning.

Showing learners that the fundamentals can be attached and used to greater purpose than previously understood can allow learners to become more engaged and less demotivated by the normally dry poorly directed learning possibly previously witnessed.

Managing the expectation of learners and the aspirations of the learner using minimum core can be a rewarding and self esteem building exercise. Attached relevance to a minimum core such as researching, and the application of literacy to enable a better understanding of the material being read and then reflecting on what you have learnt provides a learner an application route and measure their own progression as part of the writing itself.

Using a visual representation for a maths problem with a Spreadsheet can aid visual learners to understand a mathematical concept, while using ICT to deliver a result and understand clearly. 

These are also transferable and should be signposted for learner to use effectively across their learning.

Approaching and embedding minimum core can aid the initial assessment of learning difficulties so we can proactively manage and put strategies in place, before the learner becomes overwhelmed by anxiety.

Maslow (1943) clearly states that satisfying the needs of learners is  key to going from esteem to self-actualization.

We should be looking to improve the learners ability to form new and self developed learning & knowledge, Constructivism (Vygotsky, Piaget, Dewey, Vico, Rorty, Bruner) assumes that all knowledge is constructed from the learner’s previous knowledge, and we should pursue minimum core delivery that enables this cross learning and manipulation of learning previously in new areas.

I use a variety of Teaching resources that have a defined minimum core content. these are used at various stages of my practice to support learning ans subsequent understanding. Using assessment methods that informally assess minimum core allow me to improve embedding and relevance along with differentiation for me learners.

Using IT and Computing Sector terminology and references aids minimum core uptake and provides relevance of a real world application. Using a variety of technologies can also aid in the learners progressing learner numeracy and literacy without realizing (Stealth Learning  they are doing a numerical computation or a literacy based assignment, for instance delivering a presentation using ICT.

Within my Computing curriculum I am blessed by the fact that ICT and Numeracy and Literacy are a given set of skills that should be pursued and enhanced, as it is a direct pre-requisite for the sector.

Providing transferable minimum core skills and usage of these skills in itself embeds the minimum core, into each ares of learning as they is a requirement to use other unit delivered content an understanding in new and innovative ways, which i hope you can appreciate from my other 3 post on the subject of ICT Numeracy and literacy.


Minimum Core in Motor Vehicles

Embedding English, Maths and ICT into Motor Vehicles.

Maths is quite easy to embed into motor vehicles due to various reasons. In motor vehicles we are using multi meters to measure voltages, current and resistance of circuits. We have to calculate the ratio's in a gearbox by using multiplication of the number of teeth on each gear. Also the learners have to calculate the size of an engine by using PI which is 3.142. The calculation is:-

The formula for measuring the swept volume of a cylinder is:

V=pr2h  or   V= pd2h/4
Where :
V = the volume of the cylinder
r= the cylinder radius
d= the cylinder bore
h= the cylinder stroke
p = 3.14
There are also other methods of embedding maths for instance tyre pressures, tyre depths and oil quantity among others.
ICT is embedded in our lessons by the use of smart boards which the learners can use for interactive activities, computers which they use for online lests (exams) and also we have Autodata on two computers in the workshop. The purpose of autodata is so that the learners can find information about the vehicles they are working on, for example if the learner needs to find out how much engine oil a vehicle holds then they will be able to look at autodata after they have put the vehicle details in, year, make, model and engine size then the information will be available for them to find. When they have found the relevant information they will then write it onto their worksheets and into their practical workbooks, this can also be used to fill in handouts. This now covers English as the learners are now reading and writing and talking to eachother and the lecturer to locate and correctly interpret the information.

Also we have to calculate the alignment of the wheels of a vehicle, this is worked out in degrees and minutes. The learner has to measure the alignment with Dunlop Gauges to check the initial settings and then calculate and make adjustments by reading the information on autodata (see below) which again links ICT, english and maths into the lesson.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Numeracy - Embedded numerical computation in the computing curriculum

Learners come to the course, with an understanding of Decimal number systems, base 10, and a variety of skills for addition. subtraction, multiplication and division. Some other complex algebraic computation is also an advantage. 

Using these basic fundamentals of numerical computation, we expand using those fundamentals to show how computers and IT systems manipulate and use other base numbering systems and techniques to explain real world tangible phenomena. E.g,

Global Connections
  • Use of mathematics to model situations or events in the world;
  • Explanations of how the complexity and inter relatedness of situations or events in the world are reflected in a model;
  • Data generated by a model to make and defend a decision; and
  • A decision or conclusion supported by the mathematics within the context of a global community.
Problem Solving
  • The application of appropriate strategies to solve problems;
  • The use of appropriate mathematical tools, procedures, and representations to solve the problem;
  • The review and proof of a correct and reasonable mathematical solution given the context.
  • The development, explanation, and justification of mathematical arguments, including concepts and procedures used;
  • Coherently and clear communication using correct mathematical language and visual representations;
  • The expression of mathematical ideas using the symbols and conventions of mathematics.
When teaching Spreadsheet Modelling  we can model the real world and produce what if scenarios providing a means to solve problems that have yet to happen. We can automate and make decision based on how we have coded the sheet to work. This improves the understanding of the model we are using to represent the real world, for example a business system, and allow learners to investigate the use of mathematics and numeracy and enhance those skills and knowledge application in a different context to normal numerical teaching.

E.g, Spreadsheet Formula, Functions, Arguments, Boolean logic can all be transferred and cross skilled with other disciplines being studied. Object orientated programming use the above 4 concepts and using them slightly differently to achieve a coded price of software to do that one thing. The underlying principles are the same but the use and application is different. We need to understand the use of numeracy and begin to develop the use of and application to a variety of real world phenomena. Using maths to describe the curve of a moving object on screen in a video game or piece of text, requires an understanding of arcs.

Here we see that an arc is made up of coordinate numerical data, radius, angle and directional data. This can be modeled in a spreadsheet or a C# programming example. Learners need to understand the terms, usage and application, in order to understand the predefined formula, functions and procedures in programs such as Microsoft Excel and Visual Studio.

Learners & mathematical (Numerical) anxiety :

This anxiety has been described as feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the
manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problem. This has been known to be attributable to:

  • Teacher personality and their style of teaching (existing schooling)
  • Public examinations and their effect (Judgement of performance)
  • Affective domain- the self-factor such as personality, perception.
  • Feelings, worries, difficulties (memory, innate disability)
  • Parental expectations- their aspirations and standards
  • Peer group influences
  • Relevance -the usage of mathematics in everyday life 

I try to show my learners that maths and the use of numeracy can aid and actually create some very rewarding experiences. In control systems I embed the idea of using robots and sensing real world (physical computing) to visually represent the numerical data being manipulated.

When sensing the real world phenomena; light, heat, pressure, moisture and humidity for instance; each electrical sensor used to measure the phenomena has a range of values it provides. this could be in the range of 1- 344, 0 through 1023 etc...

We can use a command in C/C++ on the arduino platform to change a range of values from one to another.


/* Map an analog value to 8 bits (0 to 255) */
void setup() {}

void loop()
  int val = analogRead(0);
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  analogWrite(9, val);
The map function - works as below

long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max)
  return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

Map returns a value which is of type long : 

  • Long variables are extended size variables for number storage, and store 32 bits (4 bytes), from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • a normal integer is 16-bit (2-byte) value. This yields a range of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum value of -2^15 and a maximum value of (2^15) - 1). 

What we are doing in the example above is:

  • Reading a value in called val.
  • Taking the val and remapping it. ie 0 to 1023 and mapping it to a new range of 0 to 255.
  • Val then becomes the new value based on the mapped returned result.

With regards the minimum core:

With this example I can also show ratios, the use of Integers, long and other numerical data-types. Because this is also attached to a real world instance we can then use this to manipulate other objects be it , representations on screen or using physical robots and sensing a collision in the real world and avoiding an object. 

Numeracy can be a difficult concept to comprehend and use, and many learners do not realize they are doing the computational side of things when they see a control systems in action. Playing a racing game and coding the game uses mathematical/numerical knowledge to judge distance, move  a particular amount based on a joy-pad movement.

Processing and analyzing and interpreting data is easily shown in the above 3 examples. Stealth learning again is used to mask the actual complexity being dealt with. Being interactive with numerical data and concepts allows me to make my learners feel at ease with the content and enjoy what they do.

As part of peer learning and reflection and assessment for the projects work for Object orientated programming and control systems, minimum core is satisfied for:

Personal, social and cultural factors

  • Potential barriers that hinder development of numeracy skills
  • The main learning difficulties and disabilities relating to numeracy skills learning and development
  • The common misconceptions and confusions related to number-associated difficulties.

  • Making and using decisions about understanding
  • Communicating processes, and understandings.
  • A knowledge of the capacity of numeracy skills to support problem solving
  • Making sense of situations and representing them
  • Processing and analysis
  • Using numeracy skills and content knowledge
  • Interpreting and evaluating results
  • Communicating and reflecting on findings. 
  • Use strategies to make sense of a situation requiring the application of numeracy
  • Process and analyse data
  • Use generic content knowledge and skills
  • Make decisions concerning content knowledge and skills
  • Understand the validity of different methods
  • Consider accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness when solving problems and reflect on what has been learnt
  • Make sense of data

Theory and my perspective:

One of the most important findings of mathematics education research carried out in 
Britain over the last twenty years has been that all pupils constantly ‘invent’ rules to 
explain the patterns they see around them. (Askew and Wiliam 1995) 

According to Malcolm Swan; Frequently, a ‘misconception’ is not wrong thinking but is a concept in embryo or a local generalisation that the pupil has made. It may in fact be a natural stage of development. (2001: 154) 

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky fit well with this belief along with personal interactions and socialcultural theory.  According to Piaget, all cognitive change can be classified as one of two types: adaptation and organisation. Organisation is a largely internal process involving rearranging and linking up items of previous learning to form a “strongly 
interconnected cognitive system” (Berk 1997: 213).

A learner might superficially accept a teachers perspective without critically examining 
it, out of an unquestioning belief in the teachers authority. Piaget also asserted that 
clashing viewpoints – arguments jarring the learner into noticing a peer’s point of view 
– were necessary for peer interaction to stimulate movement towards logical thought. 
(Berk 1997: 253) 

I would say that a discovery and none acceptance of the norms and the realization from critical analysis brings a greater understanding from the learner and application of that knowledge. By making sense of the findings and making actual sense of how the maths is being applied rewards a greater understanding and a more natural motivational progression. Debate and communicating this in a peer group allows further resolution to be found.

Referances :

Embedding ICT --- What do you mean Embed ? I already teach it

How do I embed a subject I already teach in ?. A taxing question at best I feel.

Our work force of the future needs to understand the real use of technology. We should be strengthening the use of technology; Empowering the learners understanding of the benefits of technology.

Providing choice for the learner and personalized by the learner for their delivery. We need to be positive about the benefits of technology and how it is actually used. How are we influenced and how we can benefit the community we live in.

Being creative and innovative. Computing should support other disciplines.Partnering technology is a good thing and I try to involve my learners in understanding that technology is meant to be an enabler.

Curiosity creativity collaboration, critical thinking, working practically, evaluating. These skills don't change. 

The skills and knowledge and attributes of the IT sector are at the forefront of my teaching and displayed in my learners.

Aims and outcomes - are focused to be 'I can do this' or 'I can share this experience', 'differentiated skills for life'.

Using technology we can deliver at pace and be challenging. Learners are promoted to be as good as they can, and use ICT across the curriculum to benefit all of their learning. Learners learn more as their appreciation and understanding of ICT tools grows, 

Whilst this was said in 2004 it is still rather relevant in my opinion as to what we can and cannot, or think we cannot, do with technology an dhow it supports teaching and learning.

Key areas of my practice that I would like to review and comment on as a result of what Greeno et al. had to say:

  • Pedagogy - 'the art of teaching, leading to knowledge transfer.'
  • Teaching Materials
  • Pupil self assessment

Pedagogy cycle :

Learners bring experience (Socio-cultural theory  Vygotsky 1978), and this blends and shapes their learning journey.

Learners of the 21st century and post 2010 have been bombarded by technology and believe they understand and are capable and some would say experienced users of technology. This could not be further from the truth, whilst you may see this as a generalized statement I make a point. Learners in the main 'Consume' the technology they use and rarely stop to think how or why it works the way it does.

I asked my control systems learner 'How would you explain what a robot does and how would you go about building one?"  There was little response even though they are an every day occurrence in films and toys etc.

I then posed the question 'What if i could show you or even better you could learn how to build one in 2 hours ?". The response was " really ?  could we ? is that possible ?"

What they did not realize was they had been learning to do this throughout the weeks and months before.

Using a robot can really illustrate the concept called a 'DO While - Loop' in programming. A loop continues around and around until a condition is met. What better example is there but to demonstrate this by using a robot to spin around and around until it hits something. Both visually stimulating and rewarding learners then begin to approach the task completely differently asking "How can we stop this happening ?,.... hold on didn't we use a distance sensor a few weeks ago ! ?".

So what just happened above; Learners assess themselves and came up with a set of knowledge previously learned and associated it to fixing a core problem for them.

In the consumption of technology the ipad and tablets along with iphones and smart phones are symbols of a poor use of technology in classrooms. Learners tend to spend hours texting, taking a selfie or even using facebook, twitter or even instagram to name but a few. What really should be happening is "How does that touch screen work ?, Why don't you see if you can crowd source something, twitter an opinion and see what comes back, use online blogs to get a real world view of what is really happening with technology.

I use an application for discussions and discovery called Padlet (, its web based and can be used collaboratively if so desired. The screen shot below shows how each learner has contributed to the question "name or research some input and output sensors"

This can be used with Smart phones, tablet, normal desktop PC  and laptops. This uses the vehicle of consumption into actual usage of a device feared for its distraction rather than a positive use in the classroom. This extend the use of technology not making it boring, but a vehicle for delivery and expression of the learners research and knowledge.

Using phones to poll responses can be a instant winner.

Here the learner enters the code against the answer they think is correct to the website or phone number. The graph is drawn dynamically as responses come in making this a fun and completely anonymous action. This also yet again use technology in a creative way.

 Constructivist Learning Theory 
  • When assigning tasks to the students, use cognitive terminology such as "classify," "analyze," "predict," and "create."
  • Build off and use student responses when making "on-the-spot" decisions about teacher behaviors, instructional strategies, activities, and content to be taught.
  • Search out students' understanding and prior experiences about a concept before teaching it to them.
  • Encourage communication between the teacher and the students and also between the students.
  • Encourage student critical thinking and inquiry by asking them thoughtful, open-ended questions, and encourage them to ask questions to each other.
Brooks, J. and Brooks, M. (1993). In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms, ASCD

Surely you can see that Padlet and Phone polls completely satisfy what we ask here of the constructivist.

So did I change my teaching method ? did I change my materials or did I change how I assessed the learners ?. 

Or was it something else ?.

I look forward to your response.

Referances :

Using Moodle VLE forums for Literacy

Literacy and Forums - Collaborative learning ?.

I have used the Moodle VLE forums in my first year of teaching to try to improve my learners collaborations and communications skills.

Using forums could be of benefit as it provides a safe and open environment for discussion and exploration of concepts, knowledge and collaborative working with out the formality of group session work, that some student scan find intimidating.

They can provide a communication channel for learners to dip in and out of and provide direction and help informally. There is no pressure to use the forums, but being collaborative in my sector is an important attribute of the learners moving forward into industry.

To set up a forum we do the following.

Go to the page you wish to insert a forum in.

Ensure your are editing the page click

Go to the block on the page you want to insert the forum into.

Add an activity of type Forum

I selected Standard forum but you can choose other and experiment with how they work.

Ensure your learners auto subscribe.

I did not use the other options below this as I do not wish to grade their responses but your could do this and use this for assessment purposes.

Then choose save and return to your VLE Page

Your Forum should then appear on the page like this.

When you click on the link the following are examples of what should appear.

Learners can create new discussion threads

or reply to

I will be using this tool a lot more next year and ensuring my learners actually use it.

With regards the minimum core:

  • Using this in session will aid my ability to assess learners current in time progression, along with queries and discussions that come out of the threads posted or replied to.
  • It can provide an inclusive environment as learners are in control of what they do and how they present the discussions or replies. I can track if this option is used what was said and grade responses accordingly providing feedback on the response.
  • Using this forum tool not only allows learners to practice their communications skills but this also allows for a social media type of interaction so much used now in the wider social environments of industry, or skills for life. This allows for interpreting written text, through reading, and allowing learners to communicate via a written process enhancing and developing the spelling an grammar of the learner. Using an online forum or blog can aid the developing of researching as the forum is a tool for knowledge acquisition through applying a previously learned knowledge to aid or support others collaboratively.
  • Using and reflecting a range of materials in the forum and the wider internet to form opinions and further discussion.
  • Value to the learner, applying this type of interaction is more readily being used in the industry and demonstrating and increase the confidence.
  • This can influence and increase confidence across the learning programme through the use of transferable skills.

Theory of why forums are a good tool (my perspective).
1) Flow Theory (Csikszentmihalvi) - Using a forum allows the learners to be in control, there is a clear objective with the posts, addresses and uses skills levels appropriately. distractions are reduced.
2) Path-Goal Theory(House and Mitchell) - Forum posts can be set to achieve a given goal, is directive, supportive, participative, achievement orientated.
3) Self-Determination Theory  (Deci and Ryan) - Competence, autonomy and relatedness providing motivation.
  1. True "flow" requires a dynamic process in which online, Forum usage in this instance, learners meet individual challenges while learning new skills. 
  2. Utilizing the Path-Goal theory in eLearning, forums usage in this case,  requires you to encourage learners to meet specific goals. You must provide incremental information to guide learning
  3. The focus on self-determination allows the learner to perform out of interest and clearly established goals. Internal motivation comes from within the learner and is connected to the understanding that the learning is beneficial and meaningful.
Referance :

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Embedding ICT within ICT?

When lesson planning for an ICT lesson, it is quite straightforward to consider where minimum core Math and English could be embedded within activities, but as the lesson itself is innately about computing, it is often quite a challenge to step back and look at the core computing skills which could be enhanced within the scope of the session.

When considering how to embed minimum core it is important to look to guidance from professional standard documentation. The main core ICT skills can be found within the Companion For Minimum Core (Lawton and Turnbull, 2007). For example 'encouraging learner autonomy' can be achieved by demonstrating the various levels of control that a user can have over a computer system. This is an excellent way to ensure differentiation within a session as the basic use of software can be extended with the use of menus and then again by teaching shortcut and function keys for advanced users.
Other sources of guidance can come from qualification specifications. For example the NCFE entry level certificate in ICT (2005) indicates that to meet standards a learner will be expected to:
Find information from ICT-based sources using appropriate facilities
This provides the opportunity to embed minimum core into sessions where research is encouraged. The skills required to effectively research using ICT is a skill that is quite different to researching via traditional methods. For example, it might be useful to teach learners how to effectively search via a search engine, such as Google, using specific commands to return more specific results. (For examples see the following guide

As pointed out by Lawton and Turnbull (2007), it is also important to remember that:
ICT, however, covers a much wider range of technologies than computers and computer-related hardware and software. Information and communication technology may also include:
    • digital cameras, camcorders and other image capturing equipment
    • interactive whiteboards
    • digital television, video, audio and other related multimedia equipment
    • mobile phones and associated technology to support learning
    • learning platforms
    • graphic calculators.

Therefore there are many other opportunities to enable the use of minimum core ICT in the classroom. An example of this would be a from a recent lesson where the students were shown how to use a specific type of digital camera to capture images which could later be used within a digital animation for their assignment. Additionally, the use of learning platforms are part of the course from day one, as learners are inducted in the use of the VLE for file sharing, formative assessment and communication purposes. By highlighting the benefits of using such a platform, we can encourage learners to develop skills which will be useful later in their education and beyond as the use of CMS platforms become more prolific in everyday life.

It will be interesting to hear about how ICT is embedded within other sectors, especially those where computers are not a part of the common classroom environment.

Lawton. T, Turnbull. T, 2007. Companion Guide to the Minimum Core. [PDF] London. Lifelong Learning UK.  Available at: <> [04/03/14]. 

NCFE, 2005. NCFE entry level certificate in ICT Issue 1. [PDF] Newcastle Upon Tyne. NCFE. Available at: <> [04/03/14].

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A quick post about core numeracy skills

I have been intending to write a longer post about embedding numeracy withing a programming class that I teach at level 3, but today I had the opportunity to use numeracy within a digital art lesson at level 4. 

While it's not a requirement of the course, I find it useful for learners to know about the processing and storage of information behind the scenes when creating and storing digital images, and with this in mind I took the opportunity to cover the basics of storing and presenting Colour data in Hexadecimal format. This included converting between number bases, calculating totals and applying algorithms. 

While the learners came into the lesson not expecting to be tested on their mathematics skills, they managed to employ mental arithmetic effectively to provide the correct answers.

Additionally some commented that they found the session useful for their Computer Systems session in which they are learning binary number systems.

Anyway, just a quick post, but I thought it interesting to find a use for numeracy in a subject less directly associated with the topic.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

An experiment with embedding minimum core literacy skills

As an experiment with embedding minimum core literacy skills in a computer animation lesson, I took the opportunity to implement the Glossary feature of the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that we have access to here at the college.

The aim of the Glossary activity is to provide a collaborative forum in which learners can build a list of terms and their definitions in relation to the course content. This could be a useful activity at the start of a course to gauge existing knowledge within the group, and as an ongoing activity through the course.

The activity has the additional benefit of allowing the facilitator to determine a learner’s core English skills and provide them with the opportunity for both tutor and peer feedback.

The glossary was added to the Computer Animation VLE and set up as follows:

The above settings provide the glossary with the ability to allow peer feedback in the form of replies to an entry, include multiple versions of a word and its definition, and display the learner's name next to any entry that they add, which is useful for assessment purposes.

The learners in this particular group are quite competitive and the task itself was introduced as a competition for the learners to come up with the most and the best definitions to words related to animation. Additionally they were told that they could not copy and paste quotes from the internet, but instead should come up with their own definitions.

The learners were also told that the terms described would be voted on by the other members in the group at the end of the session. They were also directed to peer moderate the entries by copying each other’s entries and pasting into a Google search to see if the definition had been copied from elsewhere. This increased the spirit of competition and deterred plagiarism.
The group engaged well with the activity and the results are discussed below.

Once the activity was completed, all glossary entries could be viewed in alphabetical order as seen in the following image.

Additionally, the glossary can be filtered to group terms by the learner who entered them. This allows the facilitator to get an good overview of contributions to the activity, and identify any learners requiring additional support.

At the end of the session, the group voted for what they believed to be the best entries, especially where duplicates exist. While this process was carried out, the group members provided peer support, suggesting corrections for spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the glossary, as seen in the example below.

Before peer feedback

After peer feedback

While the occasional entry was off topic, or entered for humour, these were still voted on by the class for the opportunity for inclusion. In the examples below, the word 'Introduction' was kept as it was a good example of using English skills, whereas the entry for ‘the’ was voted for deletion due to being irrelevant; but not before the learner was corrected by his peers on the lack of a capital letter at the start of the sentence.

Others were just deleted...

The end result is a useful glossary of terms, which the students can refer back to during the course, along with a neat feature of the VLE which searches for glossary terms in the course page of the VLE and creates tool-tip links to glossary entries for detected words.

Finally, a block was added to the sidebar of the VLE to display a random glossary entry every time a learner accesses the course page. This keeps the glossary activity present in the learner’s minds, and reinforces terminology learned on the course.

If anyone else decides to try using the Glossary with their groups, I'd be interested to hear about how it went.